
Running analysis

At FysioKolding you have the opportunity to optimize your running with our running analysis.
Based on your personal running style, we focus on the things that support your running goal, whether it is to become injury-free, faster or more enduring.
Your running style will be analyzed and subsequently reviewed with us. Based on the running style analysis, you can get both a personal running program and training exercises that can optimize your training and keep you injury-free.
As a supplement, personalized soles can also be made.
At FysioKolding we have one of the most advanced measuring tools on the market. The measuring tool is an advanced 9-axle sensors in a pair of insole, which are put in your shoes.
The sole functions as a “small computer” that collects data of e.g. settlement over foot, stride length, foot position, pronation / supination, imbalances between the right and left legs. In addition to this, a number of muscle tests and functional tests will also be performed so that your entire body will be screened.
With a running style analysis at FysioKolding, we measure:


This is a great opportunity to assess what is causing your pain/problem or improve your performance.
Whatever your needs are, we are happy to help you. If you have recurring problems with feet, knees, hip or back, this analysis can also be used, also in ordinary walking.
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